
April Fools’ Day? No!

Today we’ll talk about your country (Germany) some more.

But now back to your country (Germany).

It cannot go on like this, with the exploitation and blessing of it. You can’t stand by and watch blindly and stupidly.

You see that more and more chemicals / faeces and genetically manipulated seeds are being used.
You are being systematically poisoned. Remember it.

Your country has a key function in world affairs. It is embedded and protected and relatively centrally located within the EU. It can spread out in all directions.

The enemy is lurking at the EU’s external borders.
These external borders are now unprotected within your current political scene.

From there you try to damage the EU in the heart of it (into the German speaking area).

Why is this so?

The powerful receive information from the whole world.
The powerful want to stay powerful.
The powerful want to protect and shield themselves and not give or reveal anything.

You, within the EU, are reversing this somehow.

You keep your power within the EU.
Your goal so far is not to take over global power.
You have enough to do with the foreign countries.
They protect the core and must be made stronger.

(I am not talking about the migrants in the first place. They are victims of unscrupulous powers. They had a home and left it for money to find great happiness.)

The foreign states are so relevant to shield war, betrayal and mould of the most disgusting kind.

People come and go, but the countries stay.

Protect yourselves against betrayal, murder and manslaughter, against drugs of any kind, against sex practices of the most disgusting kind, against superstition, against infatuation with electronic devices, against licentiousness. …

Viruses of all kinds will swamp you.
Artificial viruses of all kinds will swamp you.

There is nothing that man will leave untried in order to have power and satisfy his greed.

Remain inwardly unbuyable and strong.
Remain clean, peaceful and pure inside.

Remain inwardly in prayer. This protects you. No matter where you are.

Stand up for your loved ones.
Rise up for your ideals.
Do not let yourselves be bought, corrupted or abused.
I love you so much.

Your Bernd – The angel