The calm before the storm.
You know this proverb?
Yes, I know it.
So what’s going to happen now in terms of innovations?
Tomorrow Saturday, the shops will open and everything will seem the same.
But already Sunday and Monday you will notice how restless you are. Especially in those who have not been purified.
You, these people, are the ones who will be given proper work to do. You will hardly be able to stand it. The old will go, and at all costs. You should keep calm and let go.
But what if you can’t?
Go for a walk and scream and cry it all out.
Take shelter in your favorite place.
Exercise, it will help temporarily.
And then go inside and let it happen.
The old is outdated and just needs your attention all the time.
The new is constantly being repressed or coloured by the old.
This is not real life.
Don’t let yourselves be driven into a corner in this way and be rendered incapable of action.
Go inside and gather all your courage for this.
Now back to Easter.
The festival begins. People are commemorating Jesus Christ and the cabal is boiling with rage.
I can tell you why.
You are the energy sources of the future. You who have purified yourselves will influence the future and do so in a positive light.
No one can stop it now.
First, governments will stand “upside down” and row around and impose even more restrictions and controls. All in the name of protection.
Then fear will be heightened. People almost choke to death.
Animals are killed because they’re unwanted and become a nuisance.
Nature conservation is crying out for help and does not know how to proceed.
Nature is still able to recover. Whether man will be part of it is a question of conscience.
You, the awakened ones, know about every bit of raw material and you are in harmony with God.
The others, unfortunately, don’t.
Your Bernd – The Angel