
Today is a good day to talk about peace. Peace is everything and nothing is without peace.

It is the same with health.
And yet peace is more important. Peace is everything, because peace includes health.

Why is this so?

Well, health has many aspects, the physical, the mental, the spiritual and the spiritual.

If one of them gets sick, it usually leads to another. Or if one of them is ill, the person is in imbalance, because otherwise he would not be ill, you see.

If you are at peace with everything, then you are also healthy, that’s the way it is.
So peace is immensely important, dear ones.
If you are able to keep peace within you, then you will also remain healthy.

How do you manage to remain in peace?

This is a truly easy question to ask and difficult to realize.

Almost anything can excite us.
From earlier articles you already know about the importance of emotions.
But is the “un”-peace within you such an important emotion that you should grant it, that is, keep it?

Yes and no is the answer.

If the disturbed peace is an emotion that comes up, then you must look at it very carefully and recognize it and consider whether you need and can use this emotion as a signpost.

If this is the case, then apply the previous articles, especially the one of 12.04.2020.

If this is not the case, because you recognize that you have exaggerated excessively, then admit it to yourself and withdraw into prayer, into meditation, into yoga.
Because this “over”-storming emotion will make you ill.

If the “un”-peace is not an emotion, but a logically induced emotion, a rather artificially created emotion, you are usually subject to manipulation by earthly or unearthly people or beings.

And then you rather have a spiritual problem that needs cleaning. With this problem you usually need the help of an experienced healer or shaman. But, prayer also helps here in the first trouble.

Nevertheless these are two different sides of the same coin. The former is more home-made and may need the help of strangers and psychologists in addition to intensive looking, understanding and forgiving. (Of course healers and shamans help here as well).
But, these kind of problems are rather easier to understand for you humans.

The second way of creating “un”-peace is more complicated and usually needs the external help of a shaman or healer. You rarely recognize these problems, which are controlled from outside.

Now it is the case that you usually carry a mixed form of “un”-peace within you.
Triggered is one thing and then the other. And often these are connected with each other, so that a chain reaction is triggered.

To come back to peace is really hard.
So: You have to cleanse yourselves, recognize and forgive. If you recognize that other mechanisms are working there, seek help.
You can heal step by step through trance journeys, through extractions and soul retrieval.
And then you are / come into peace.

Dear ones, go this way.
It is worth it.
It enriches you.
It frees you.

And absolutely nobody, except yourselves, can go this way.
Bernd – The Angel