
Dear ones,

I come today to speak of justice and peace. The other day we talked about peace and love. Today’s topic fits in wonderfully.
Justice can be felt very subjectively.
The parameters for it have been socially and historically shaped very individual.

On the one hand, justice among people today is created by laws and is subject to social norms.
Justice in the private sphere is largely subject to morals, ethics and the general level of knowledge.
Selfishness, perfectionism and lower characteristics can very much distort what should be just.

So what is just?

There is a simple formula / guideline and you know it from the Bible:
“What you do not want to be done to you, do not do to others.”

That could be your golden rule number one.
Yet justice is more!
Justice sometimes has something to do with solidarity, to help the weaker, the older, the smaller etc., because the one alone cannot stand up against several.

Justice and politics have a rather difficult relationship to each other. Nevertheless, here too justice is not impartial.
Great people have come into being because they have exercised justice, often in a very solidary and partisan way.

Justice also comes from love. If I carry the power of love within me, I cannot help it but be generous and just. And this very often leads to justice.

People live on politeness, justice, courage, commitment, love and hope. And that is good. Man is a higher being, and despite all the changes, iron behaviour has been preserved.

They too are great and important signposts on the way back to God.

Selfishness, gluttony and other bad behaviour and practices lead away from justice, away from my higher self and even more away from God.
Experience yourselves in the practice of justice in the sense of the Bible saying and it will be given to you, especially love.

Dear ones, feel yourselves to be in God’s care and blessed.

Your Bernd – The Angel