
Good afternoon dears,

So far we have come through the Corona crisis in good shape. I wish you a calm, inward-looking perception. There is nothing to worry about.
This crisis, like any other, is a challenge on a political, personal and spiritual level. All levels are interrelated, as you have probably already experienced.

Your politicians have imposed far-reaching precautions with restrictions.
You are experiencing them personally, depending on how far you have progressed in life.

What do I mean by this?

Your level of development in spiritual terms is blatantly decisive in how you feel, experience this crisis. Your experienced limitations vary between horrible and great.
How is this possible?
The same rules apply to everyone.

Of course, some will now list the job and the money, others the social (missing) contacts and still others list their (seemingly) missing freedom. In between everything a combination is possible.
Wow. Why is that so?

As I said, you all experience the same thing regionally.
Okay. Your “lack of” freedom has something to do with how you feel inside. If you lack freedom, you don’t have it inside. That means you are not free because of something!
Find that something, now! Analyze, understand, forgive.

This is the procedure, which I have told you several times before. And if you can’t do it alone, then find shamans and healers. They are well versed in the intermediate worlds and soul processes and in the things that block these free energies. Seek them out.

Now to the missing social contacts. Here again it is no different. If you miss them now, then you have missed the true social contacts before. No matter whether you say now, this is all nonsense.
I have 100 addresses and phone numbers in my mobile phone and I know all of them and I speak and see them. So I say: All nonsense.

If you lack social contacts now, then you had a deficit there before. Maybe you have communicated one-sidedly and didn’t go into the truth and didn’t go into depth or you had hidden your true self. Maybe even from you! Also here analyze, understand and forgive. If you cannot do it alone, seek out a healer and a shaman. He will see if there are any blockages, soul splits or attachments that prevent your true communication!

So, last but not least we want to look at the monetary issue.
This topic is so tricky that it requires some digression.

If I am afflicted with blockages, then they run through all areas of my being. For example through my communication, my health, my self-image, my social position and finally through my finances.

Blockages caused by traumas, soul splits, old incarnations etc. are massive and serve many purposes. Our personally felt suffering helps us to find ways to find solutions, i.e. to get out of them. It is difficult – mostly. But, this suffering pushes us in directions that make healing possible. Also here we seek out doctors, shamans and healers. Everyone has his own skills and will push you forward on the way (hopefully towards health).

Many ways are confused and long. On the way towards health I meet other (old) wounds. All, really all, must be looked at. Use all the tools, just don’t get full of drugs. Walk these paths as consciously as possible.

These many (long and short) ways you have to go and if you go them successfully, then you clear yourself and your aura, your energy field and then miracles happen. First smaller ones and then more and more often and also larger ones.
This happens until you say, this is my life now. This is how I want to lead it! That is my truth.
And with each of these steps the monetary means adapt. I.e. little by little you will get everything you need.
If you had managed it before the crisis, you are protected now. If you did not have it before the crisis, you are suffering now.

I know that you are saying now: “What? I should be responsible for my financial situation in the Corona crisis? That’s nonesense! I can’t help it. I was given no chances, no offers etc. My boss overlooked me, etc.”

Is that so, my dearest one?
Have you had no chances, no offers?
Had you never stood at a crossroads and rejected further possibilities?
Don’t talk! Think very carefully!

Couldn’t you have changed your behaviour at some point, to accept new possibilities, to experience?
I know it was like that! I know it!

No one was overlooked, no one! God gives them all to you.
But for many reasons, you are rejecting new possibilities, new conditions. Sometimes out of pride, sometimes out of dogmatism, sometimes out of fear, sometimes out of ignorance, sometimes out of an inability to communicate and think. But, each time it is up to you!

If you clarify and learn and learn again from your inner self and are brave enough to take these steps of change, your financial situation will improve dramatically.
Be brave enough to face the changes that come your way and you will inevitably free yourself from your blockages and fears. And then go on until they become less and less and finally no more blockades and fears appear and then take your place and wait until you are “pushed on”, i.e. until new possibilities appear and then courageously accept them again. Sometimes sensitivities and fears reappear. Then bravely accept them too. And always so on.

Our very last hurdle is then the departure from this world.

But, until then, be brave and pay attention to the smallest hints on the outside, because they show you your inner self.

All this is your path!
Walk it courageously.
Walk it bravely.
Seek help!
And you will find whatever you want, knowledge, money, confirmation, love, courage, ideals, hobbies, new people, communication, recognition and much more.

Bernd – The angel