Hello dear ones,
let’s get straight to the basics of today:
Everything based on love survives.
Everything based on non-love is passing away.
Hate is no longer an option, no matter what.
Dear Ones, everything based on love survives.
Think about it. Where are you in (true) love? Is it nature, the children, work, is it the animals?
Where are you in love?! That will endure.
Love expands you. Love gives you relaxation. Love gives you joy. Love respects you.
Feel where this true love is exactly. Everything else is not love, dear ones.
Everything else is purpose, intention, need, hate and so on.
True love makes you open and free.
True love makes you empathic, even with those who cannot yet (who do not yet live in love).
True love makes you affected, but not incapable of action.
True love makes you smarter, but not know better.
True love makes you seeing without evaluation.
True love makes you listening without evaluation.
True love makes you feeling – compassionate.
Live true love. Make an effort. Let go of everything that feels tight, weird, hateful, patronizing and fearful.
Remember our steps of April 2020. Go and pray. Pray and pray.
Dear ones, I love you immeasurably.
Your Bernd – The angel