Dear Ones,
I have come today to talk to you about the progression of enslavement.
Slaves are unfree people who do not really own anything, not even properly their own labour power (LP).
Slaves are groups of people who have to “sell” themselves, either their LP or their body and/or their soul and thinking.
What does this mean in our new society today?
People who live below a certain standard and have to carry their LP/body/spirit and soul to market are slaves.
People who, on the other hand, stay at home and are socially supported/protected, such as the deliberately unemployed or even life artists, are not slaves or possibly modern slaves.
People who earn a lot, yet are unfree in mind, soul or body, are slaves.
So what distinguishes a (modern) slave from a truly free person?
The free person is free in action and thought. He reconsiders every moment what he wants to do or think or where he wants to go. But this so-called survival has nothing at all in common with our thinking today. It is much more an inner knowing and foreboding, a letting oneself be guided, being in the flow of the universe and its movement. This is accompanied by serenity, attentiveness and a kind of childlike joy. This person is embedded in inner prosperity and contentment that the slave can only come close to experiencing in great (enormous) humility.
This leap to inner humility is usually not made and very often misunderstood and equated with indifference to everyone and everything.
The modern slave is dependent on technology, on the state, on legality, on groupings, parties and other institutions.
The modern slave is further dependent on his own whims, on bad food, on sensory deprivation of all kinds.
People who are enslaved contain little inner contentment and this ultimately affects everything. The longing of these people is limited to consuming and gossiping.
This brings us to the next important distinguishing feature:
Modern slaves do not think big, do not think for themselves, but they repeat thoughts thought long ago by others – they gossip.
Why is this so?
An enslaved person is supposed to function the way someone else or a system wants them to. They are not supposed to think their own thoughts, do anything unpredictable. They are supposed to be predictable and do manageable things.
People who want this like to manipulate, integrate and are usually absolutely ruthless and criminal.
They think they know and see through everything and lift themselves above the masses with arrogance, criminality and lies.
People wake up.
Deep within you is your faith, your divine spark.
God does not leave anyone. You are leaving God.
Deep within you are all the answers to your life, to your hopes and desires. Deep within you is your creativity, your justice, your power.
Seek them all!
Seek your desires and then live them!
Seek your love within you and then share it with your children and those around you.
God loves these seekers. He does not leave them and He listens.
You are the creators of tomorrow if you want it and if you believe it.
God is in you and you are connected to God.
Let go of all fears by praying and surrendering them to God.
Let go of all prejudices by praying and giving them to God.
Let go of all resentment by praying and giving it to God.
Let go of all fear by praying and surrendering it to God.
Let go of your personal selfishness by praying and surrendering them to God.
Love one another.
No one is better or worse before God.
No one is more gifted by God than the other.
God loves all.
God heals all.
God sees all.
You live in God, understand that. God wants everyone in their place.
The place is always connected with love, creativity and respect.
If only one thing is missing, then you are not in the right place. Then your place is a little off or somewhere else entirely.
God gives you gifts, but listen and look within.
Bernd – The Angel
P.S. The modern slave is not in his centre, not in his power, not in the right place.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)